Friday, April 12, 2013

Azura - Rua (20.5kms) Day Fourteen

Day Fourteen

Date:     12 April  2013

Place:    Aruza - Rua

Weather:   Sunny morning!!!  Muted sunshine in the afternoon and NO rain!

Accommodation:  Hotel O Pino

After I’d heard steady rain in the night I didn’t expect much change from the previous day – however, being the eternal optimist I was determined to take on the weather gods and pack my hat!
The lovely restaurant at our accommodation at Azura.  The lovely waitress Sylvia was dressed in a traditional costume and we enjoyed food typical of the Galician region.  We need to walk just to keep the kilograms down!!

The pilgrims set off at 9.15am with a sodden environment but the sky remained overcast and so we left our wet weather gear in our bags.  We walked through Aruza which was 1.5kms away as our delightful accommodation was situated in the countryside.  

Ever we go again!
Today we mostly walked country roads and tracks with several crossing of the main artery to Santiago de Compostela, the N-547.  Unlike other days we did not encounter too much mud.

The track was quite pleasant out of Aruza and by 10am we were treated with sunshine – a very welcome sight.  It stayed with us until our first break at Calzada and we had to reorganise our clothing along the way as we were feeling the heat.  The tracks were awash with water running down them as well as small brooks running alongside with the fields a wonderful green.

Sun, glorious sun! 
The tracks were awash .... but we were dry!
We made good time to Calzada for our first break and I think having the sun out improves our attitude and pace!

For only eight euros we enjoyed three teas, one coffee, an enpalada and a doughnut.  Bargain.  Suitably rested after half an hour we set off for another hour and a half with a few little rests.  We threaded our way through Calle on its cobbled stoned streets and looked back as we ascended our way to Salceda…it was a beautiful view in the sunshine.

Many of the buildings along the way are deserted - and so old!
Looking back towards Calle as we steadily climbed to Salseda.
 As the walk was easy we didn’t feel the need to stop too soon for lunch however we did stop at Salceda to attend to some blisters on Desley and my toes – who would have thought our little toes would wave the white flag after five days?  Some lollies and a stamp at the café and we were on our way to lunch at Brea at 2pm.  Just outside Salceda we encountered a long patch of mud which was difficult negotiating.  Generally, we are able to walk above the road or detour but as there was no way around we came out the other end with quite muddy boots.

Mud.....glorious mud!!
The path bypasses the tavern at Brea but we followed the sign and crossed the busy N-547 to enjoy soup, salads and boccadillo.  Another stamp, toilet stop and off we were again. 

Desley and I felt stiff after this break but we were back into our stride in no time and fifteen minutes out there was another ‘self-serve’ honour system to purchase fruit so we bought some apples.

We criss-crossed the N-547 several times some via tunnels or by gingerly crossing the road with the speeding cars.  We passed through O Empalme which was quite a reasonably sized stop on the main road.  A little way on we took the path under the bridge to pass by an old chapel and fountain of Santa Irene.  Crossing the N-547 we followed the road via a footpath and then into a eucalypt forest.  It was here we saw the 20.0kms sign to Santiago de Compostela…..a real milestone!

Trying not to become road-kill on the very busy N-547!
The fountain at Santa Irene (dated 1629) stands near the private chapel which is only used once a year.
Only 20kms to go!

We descended via the track to Rua which is a very small village of 50 people.  The sun had faded away by mid-afternoon but we were very grateful of a dry day on the camino!
Tomorrow is our last day of walking - here's hoping for a fine day as we walk into the pilgrims' destination of Santiago de Compostela.







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